Rikers has shown that it is not the solution that fosters rehabilitation or accountability. With a large portion of the Rikers population having mental health, housing and other supportive service needs, it is imperative that we identify and implement better options that directly address those underlying drivers of crime.

Rev. Wendy is Executive Director at the Urban Youth Alliance (BronxConnect), a core member of the Campaign to Close Rikers.



1.) How are you connected to this movement?  

Urban Youth Alliance (BronxConnect) is a partner with the Close Rikers campaign. As an organization that works with justice involved youth, we have seen first-hand the negative impact Rikers has on the psyche of youth, families and communities. 

2.) Why should Rikers close?  

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results. Rikers has shown that it is not the solution that fosters rehabilitation or accountability. With a large portion of the Rikers population having mental health, housing and other supportive service needs, it is imperative that we identify and implement better options that directly address those underlying drivers of crime.  

3.) What is your vision for a more just and equitable post-Rikers New York City?  

Diverting funding from this dangerous facility to community organizations with a clear history of success in intervention and rehabilitation would foster safety and lower recidivism in New York City.  Implementing the borough-based jail plan will also facilitate service provision from local organizations and easier access to family and legal counsel.